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How Exactly Does a Cozy Distribute Heat?
How Exactly Does a Cozy Distribute Heat?

The Cozy, technically known as a thermostatic radiator enclosure (TRE), is a proven way to save energy, improve comfort, and meet New York City’s Local Law 97 requirements. One question we are often asked is, “How exactly does a Cozy distribute heat?”.

The Core Mechanism of The Cozy

Let’s explain.

The Cozy consists of an insulated enclosure with a fan that fits over a radiator, recessed convector, or baseboard heater – hence, thermostatic radiator enclosure. The Cozy traps heat between the enclosure and the radiator, which both prevents overheating of a room and significantly reduces energy loss by trapping it. When the temperature in the room drops below the desired setting, the Cozy fan automatically turns on. Contrary to what many assume, the fan does not blow hot air out into the room. Instead, the fan pulls cooler room air into the Cozy, which then distributes the hotter air from inside the Cozy through the open bottom of the Cozy by passive convection.

The Science Behind Passive Convection

Passive convection is a natural heat transfer process that relies on the density difference between warm and cool air, where warm air rises and cool air sinks. When the Cozy fan is turned on, the cooler air is drawn from the room into a shaft inside of the Cozy, which pushes the warm air out of the bottom of the Cozy. Inside of a room, the warm air from the Cozy then travels upwards to fill the space.

Cozy’s Concerted Building-Wide Benefits

When Cozys are deployed throughout a building they work in concert. When the Cozy stores heat around the radiator, reducing heat loss, heat (in the form of steam in this example) quickly travels to the next radiator that needs heat. Heat is now distributed more evenly throughout a building. As more rooms reach their desired temperature, fewer and fewer radiators need heat at any given time, which means the boiler has to boil less water to make steam. In turn, less fuel is consumed by the boiler, which then lowers the building’s energy costs and, even better, reduces carbon emissions.

The Cozy’s Sustainable Advantage

In summary, the Cozy leverages the natural science of passive convection to enable energy efficiency and lower carbon emissions.

Reach Out for Savings

Contact Kelvin to find out how much energy your building could save.