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Why do New Yorker’s Windows Stay Open in the...

During any New York winter, there's a specific sight that only New Yorkers understand — windows wide [...]


5 Ways The Cozy Elevates Your NYC Living Experience

Living in New York City's diverse range of apartments often comes with unique architectural features [...]


How Can Building Owners Maximize IRA Incentives with Smart...

How Can Building Owners Maximize IRA Incentives with Smart Radiator Technology? The Imminent Challen [...]


What can buildings do in the summer to get...

In New York City, heating season starts on October 1st. From October 1 through May 31, New York City [...]


How Exactly Does a Cozy Distribute Heat?

The Cozy, technically known as a thermostatic radiator enclosure (TRE), is a proven way to save ener [...]


How many Cozys do you need to install in...

Kelvin’s Cozy is a smart radiator cover that improves energy efficiency in multifamily and commercia [...]


What are the costs of Boiler Controllers, TRVs, and...

In a previous article, the technical differences between TRVs and Cozys were discussed. In this arti [...]


How Does the Cozy Integrate with a Boiler Controller?

In this article, we answer how Kelvin’s Cozy integrates with boiler controllers and whether the choi [...]


What’s the difference between TRVs and Smart Radiator Covers?

Thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) and Smart Radiator Covers (also referred to as Thermostatic radi [...]